Reinventing how Banking works with Fintech
Asa bridges the gap between fintech and banking by building a new set of rails that enables partnership at scale. Asa fintechs don't compete, they don't offer checking accounts, cards, or loans, but instead, they partner with a local institution who provides all of the banking products and services they need. Asa's new set of rails allows fintechs to go to market at unlimited scale with local financial institutions.

Why ASA?
Fintechs want to partner with banks, there just isn't any easy way to do it at scale. With ASA, no more picking and choosing what fintechs you can partner with for years to come - you can give your account holders access to new technology solutions every single day.
Why ASA?
Fintechs want to partner with banks, there just isn't any easy way to do it at scale. With ASA, no more picking and choosing what fintechs you can partner with for years to come - you can give your account holders access to new technology solutions every single day.
Why Account
Holders Love ASA

ASA's App Store has something for everyone.

Users permission which Fintech get what data.

Safest, most private way to connect Fintech.

Safest, most private way to connect Fintech.

Users permission which Fintechs get what data.